
Why a Winning Mindset Will Make You Successful


A winning mindset is a state of mind that works like a light bulb, once switched on, everything just brightens up. It’s unbelievably exciting that our thinking or what we call a mindset could define our future. And, it’s not even remotely close to the importance of being optimistically excited about the current moment and not worrying about the future.

Dwelling on the failures is a ladder to self-doubts, agony, and stress.

I’ll try to free you from all that crap.

Can I do that?

I don’t know, but I’ll find out.

In this blog post, I’m going to share how I achieve a winning mindset and what you can do to replicate that. I’m no expert at this. The reason for writing about a winning mindset and its connection to success is that it’s positively impacting my life. So why not to put it out there for others?

Maybe, a 19-year-old Ali reads this or 21-year-old Stefanie finds it helpful or 26-year-old Chan figures things out after reading this blog post.

3 Reasons Why a Winning Mindset Will Make You Successful

#1 – Positivity provides resilience

Being positive is a huge advantage. What this means is that you see everything as an opportunity, even the failures. A lot of positive people sometimes win just because they remain optimistic about winning. The reason for this is that optimism leads to trying again and staying on the course.

I whole-heartedly believe that failures are a source of learning lessons and help us win in the long run.

Unlimited Power is one of the best books I have ever read. It tells that how you can achieve great things if you want to. It unleashes the reader from all sort of mental blocks and barriers. The author of this book is Tony Robbins.

So the positivity does have a role in making a winner’s mindset. Once you become a positive person; someone who isn’t afraid to fail, you learn how to keep moving forward. The moment you hit a milestone, your mental strength increases. Those small doses of motivation on a consistent basis shape a winner’s mindset.

#2 – Winners don’t quit

People who have a winning mindset, they don’t quit; they instead put in the work. It’s a pragmatic approach to succeed. The great examples of winners are everywhere. For example, most of the professional tennis players start playing tennis or getting involved in the sport at the age of 6 or 7, and they join the international circuit when they are almost 18 or 19.

I have seen this phenomenon among the top investors, business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, and other successful people in all walks of life; they just don’t quit.

Imran Khan, a former Pakistani cricketer, philanthropist, and politician rightly said,You only lose when you give up.”

So a winning mindset won’t let you quit because winners don’t quit.

#3 – Putting in the work matters

One of the devastating things you might want to do is finding the shortcut and avoiding the hard work. If you’re not ready to put in the work, don’t expect miracles either.

When you like the process of doing something you love, you don’t care about the result. That’s the mindset of winners, and it keeps them going even when they are failing.

A famous Hollywood film “School of Rock” has an excellent dialogue in it when the students and their teacher Dewey Finn (played by Jack Black) are about to perform a song in a bands competition. And, one of the students shows her concern over the preparations, then the teacher Dewey Finn says, “We didn’t come here to win, we came here to play one great show.”

I watched that part over and over again. It resonated with my approach of giving a hundred percent regardless of the result.

My Verdict

I’ve shared my three reasons why a winner’s mindset will make you successful.

If you want to develop a winning mindset in life, just start believing in yourself that you can win. If it seems hard, then recall all the past successes and small achievements.

Positivity, not-quitting, and putting in the work have done wonders for me. I can’t wait to see what’s down the road—it could be a fascinating result or a lesson to learn—either way, I’ll win.

What else should someone do to develop a winner’s mindset to succeed?

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  1. All are winning factors Haassan.

    For me, vibing high helps me keep at it. I persist because I love what I do, so I keep doing it, and persisting, even when I am not feeling 100%. We always make time for following our passions. On the flip side of things, when we do things mainly for outcomes – money, traffic, popularity, surviving – our vibe lowers toward the fear-based spectrum, and all turns to custard. You become a loser; not a negative term, but someone who is mired in loss, fearful of losing everything.

    But doing your energy work and being online with the right intent will do wonders for you.

    Keep on inspiring dude.


    1. Of course, waking up at 4 AM today, I meant “Hassaan” LOL. I have a sleeping mindset right now hahahaha.

    2. Hey Ryan,

      I 100% agree with you. Persistent is a backbone of whatever we achieve. And, persistence and winning mindset go side by side. All winners win because they keep on going.

      The curveball, however, is when we don’t feel the vibe and we must go with it as you mentioned you keep moving forward even when you don’t feel 100%. That’s the key to success.

      Thank you so much for your comment.

  2. Hi Hassaan,

    Good points about having a winning mindset.

    I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes along the way, but I treat them as lessons learned – because I’m just too darn stubborn to give up and let the naysayers say “I see it didn’t work, then. I knew you were wasting your time”.

    Talking of work…. a quote I like (and no idea what the source is) goes along the lines: “Don’t complain about lack of results from work you didn’t do”.

    It would be wonderful if we could just think ourselves into being winners, but we ALSO need to take action.

    Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark

    1. Hi Joy,

      Thank you so much for stopping by.

      I love the enthusiasm to keep going. I agree with what you said about the mistakes we make. Learning from those mistakes make us what we become in the end.

      I’m glad you liked my blog post and shared your views.

      Thank you so much.

  3. What I have come to believe in live now is that winning mindset can sometimes make you overly concious about the competition and that can impact your attitude, work ethics or health in a negative manner. Also, once you finally win you take a break that is so long that it makes you lose many other races. I have also seen practical examples of Highly successful people who would stop struggling.

    Instead, I keep an approach like the one you mentioned in which you focus on “giving a great show” rather than winning. I focus on giving my absolute best rather than on winning. As they say that the difference between winner and other guys in a race is that the other guys are focusing on who is trying to pass them while winner is focusing on how much he can push himself.

    1. Hello Luqman bhai,

      Thank you so much for your comment.

      I’m so happy to read your comment. I mentioned about my approach of “giving one hundred percent regardless of the result” that comes out because I genuinely believe in it.

      I can understand your first point, and I can’t disagree with that. The pursuit isn’t easy and I don’t know people who didn’t sacrifice the joy, or at least, something to win big. Now, I also believe that work-life balance is an art and I have no idea how to master it.

  4. Hassaan, great reasons to have a winning mindset. I think being able to take calculated risks and be okay with them is also huge.
    You have to put some sweat and risks is part of that sweat too 🙂 Hard work usually pays off. You just can’t give up.
    And you learn from each mistake.
    I know I get upset at first with a mistake but then I turn it around and it leads to greater success.
    Thanks for the inspiring read 🙂

    1. Hi Lisa,


      Calculated risks regardless of the result show the winning mindset. I believe that trying to win is perhaps more important than winning.

      I can relate to your statement on mistakes. I used to get panicked at times; then I realize that it’s not going to help, I better calm down, relax, take a break, and get back to fixing it. Mistakes teach you lessons that success can’t.

      Thanks so much for stopping by.

  5. Hi Hassaan,

    I would say it totally depends on people around you. If you are surrounded by negative, argumentative people, the negative vibe catches on. It’s hard to find a winning angle from there.

    And if those negative people are in your own family, God save you!

  6. Hi Navin,

    I agree to some extent that negative vibes kill motivation, but I also believe that a winning mindset will help you skip past all the crap that tries to put you down. We all come across negative people; it’s a reality, but not letting them play with your head is a skill we all need to master.

    I don’t say that I’m the expert at this, but I do my best to bypass all the negativity and stop myself from going off the rails.

  7. Hi Hassaan Khan,

    Thanks for this informative post! It really blows my mind off and I must say I have just been remolded for a brighter future after reading this post. Your blog is a must-to-visit for everyone, be rest assured. Kudos to you for describing our mindset in a more fantastic manner and for drawing the true picture of the mindset at one circumstance or the other!

    You emphasized deeply on the fact that the future is strictly determined based on our reactions to past failures, our present situation and fear of tomorrow. ‘When you fall down, make sure you pick something from the ground’, says John Mason.

    It’s quite encouraging to learn here that our mindset is just like a light-bulb that brightens up when it’s turned on. This implies that having the right mindset will remove all barriers from the way and would guarantee a greater tomorrow. That’s awesome.

    Thanks for elaborating the fact that a winning mindset will make one successful! Being positive even while failing, working the techniques with the right energy and regarding myself as a winner will surely work together for success.

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